7. Study Questions Copy

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Turnus is likened to an African lion, who, although pierced by the spears of hunters and seriously wounded, has an undiminished spirit and shakes away these weapons. Carthage, mentioned at the beginning, is meant to make the reader think about Dido, who too we are told in Book 4, suffered a wound (of unrequited love). Carthage re-emerges to spell potential doom for Aeneas and his men. Whether the simile is effective is up to you but justify your opinion either way.

Virgil uses the historic present to bring this section alive: line 2: videt; line 3: ardet; line 4: attollit.

Turnus has decided to engage Aeneas in battle.

Either Aeneas will be killed, or Aeneas will take Lavinia as his wife.

Aeneas. It seems a little unfair as in Book 2 he clearly wishes to remain and fight but the gods say that he must go.


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