53. Answers to exercises Copy

Answer to Exercise 5.1

Marcellus, when from a higher place he saw lying before his eyes the most beautiful city of

all that at that time, is said to have shed tears, both through joy at his victory that was so great

and through pity for an ancient city. For he called to his mind the Athenian fleets that had

been sunk, and two huge armies that had been destroyed with two very famous leaders, and

many wars that had been waged with the Carthaginians; he called to mind also proud tyrants

and wealthy kings; he called to mind finally king Hiero, a very distinguished man of recent

memory, who had done very many favours to the Roman people. When these things

presented themselves to his mind all at once, and he was reflecting that that whole city was

now in a moment of time going to burn and return to ashes, before he moved the standards

forwards, he sent ahead certain Syracusans who had been captured and were with him, in

order to persuade the enemy to hand the city over to him. At that time however certain

deserters, for whom there was no hope of pardon by means of conditions, were holding the

gates and the walls; they didn’t allow the men to approach the walls or to speak to anyone.

And so Marcellus’ initiative was in vain.


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