35. Study Questions Copy

He acknowledged the two children that they had had together (and there would be a third) and granted Cleopatra numerous old Ptolemaic lands.

Rome gained access to the resources of Egypt (money, grain), but Antony’s reputation suffered back in Rome, Rome lost the lands granted to Cleopatra, and Octavia was not at all happy. For Cleopatra, she gained dynastic stability and secure rule and Egypt was able to operate without interference from Rome. She also gained lands.

Badly, he suffered a heavy defeat (30,00 men). Compare with the defeat of Crassus in 53 BC. His reputation was damaged, at the same time as Octavian’s had increased owing to his defeat of Sextus Pompey.

In 34 BC Antony held a triumph in Alexandria (for victories in Armenia: notably this was not held in Rome. This would have been seen as a huge snub. At a huge public event in Alexandria, Antony granted legitimacy to Caesarion as Caesar’s heir, and gave lands to his children by Cleopatra.

In 34 BC Antony held a triumph in Alexandria (for victories in Armenia: notably this was not held in Rome. This would have been seen as a huge snub. At a huge public event in Alexandria, Antony granted legitimacy to Caesarion as Caesar’s heir, and gave lands to his children by Cleopatra.


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